Goblet's Journal

Goblet's Journal


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25 entries this month

Dream Recall

03:18 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 619

1. Preparing for Bed : Try to get the body as relaxed as you can. If you have to stretch or even do Yoga all the better. You can even meditate to clear your mind, so that that you are more prepared for the next step. You don't have to eat or refrain from eating before bedtime. You may do as you like. Try experimenting with eating different foods before bedtime and see if you get any different results in the end. Make sure you have a pen and pad handy to write with next to the bed.

2. Programing : This is the most important part. When you get to that borderline sleep level (which is right before you are completely asleep) you must tell yourself over and over again that you will remember all your dreams and you will wake up after each dream and write down your experience. If you don't like having to repeat all that then try tape recording yourself saying these things. Make sure that you tape at least 10 - 15 min. worth. That should be sufficient.

3. Taking Notes : This is also very important. If you successfully wake up

after each dream, then you must write down everything you can remember in detail. Write down whether the dream was in color or black and white. This is why we will keep a pen and pad next the bed. Make sure not to put it in the bed with you. You don't want to end up stabbing yourself in your sleep. Then you must try to go right back to sleep. Keeping the pen and pad handy. Hopefully you will go right into another dream and repeat the process.

4. Reviewing the Night : Now it is time to review the night. You will be amazed at how many dreams you actually had that night! I usually find that I have 10 - 15 dreams a night and sometimes more. Everyone dreams and everyone dreams many times a night, they just don't know they do until they try something like this. Make special note of dreams that are in full-blown color, for you will want to reference them once you start studying Astral Projection.




Summon A Spirit/Ghost @ a Grave

03:14 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 621

For conversation with the dead go to a cemetery; avoid the grave's Annoyance, speaking always gently:

"Earth, bone,

And winding sheet,

Let this spirit

Come to me-

Yet send it

In peace,

Or not at all."

If it comes, it should be offered white wine, not red; and knelt to, from pity.




Give Some1 The Mind of a Frog

03:12 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 622

This spell gives person mind of a frog. You nead to point on a person and say...

"Higady, pigady, pong! I give you a mind of a frog".




Get Someone To Call You

03:10 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 623

Take a piece of parchment or fine quality writing paper and inscribe the name of the target.

Write it in a circle twice, so the ends meet. As you do this, concentrate on the person's face and your desire that they call you. Then, while still concentrating, put a needle through the center of the circle created by the name. Place the charm by the phone.

The call will come within 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 5 day, depending on how well the spell was cast and how much will




Bring Spirits

03:09 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 624

Sit in a circle...

west chant: obey these words of power

east chant: watchers of the threshold, watchers at the gate

north chant: unbar the guarded door

south chant: obey this command of this servant of power

Chant this three times.

The spell will bring the spirits of the world to you to serve as a guide to you and your coven.




Stop Gossip

03:07 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 625

First you make a doll of this person and while you sew up the dolls lips


"If nothing but ill from your lips can fall, then let there be

nothing from them at all"

This spell will make the person stop gossiping and make them not talk to you and if they do talk to you they will only good thing. I know this because i have tried this spell before and it does work. It in no way does harm the person who you do it to because this is a white witch





Change Your Eye Color

03:05 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 627

Make sure it is night when you do this spell. Also, light one orange and one pink


Close your eyes. (You Must Have complete focus and be concentrating on the

spell, ONLY.)

Fill your mind with the color your eyes are. Picture that for about five

minutes. Then picture the color you want. Chant...

'' Become of me,'' three times. Repeat this hole process two times and you will see

changes through the day.





03:03 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 628

On a full moon, take a mirror and go outside

(if ya can't then open a window, make sure the moon is reflected on the mirror)

take a piece of a picture (hair, lips, eyes, whatever you are interested in changing)

place it on the mirror and concentrate on it and say...

"Moonshine, Starlight,

let the wind carry your light,

let your glow cover my body,

and let your shine cover every eye."

Say it 3 times and concentrate on the part that you want to change, Then say...

"Moonshine, Starlight,

shape and mold my body,

as a rose is granted beauty,

let me blossom in your light,

the light that brings me beauty,

and grant me beauty three times three"

Say it 3 times and when you are finished light a candle (pink) or incense.




Healing Physical Pain

03:02 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 629

YOU NEED: piece of amethyst (as clear as possible), or a piece of Fluorite. a good visualization skill.

Sit in a quiet place and clear your mind of everything you can.

Take the amethyst (or fluorite)and hold it in the hand that is closest to the hurt.(if the pain is in the center of the body hold it in your writing hand.

Imagine a soothing light collecting at your feet and draw it up slowly towards your head filling every part of the body.

Whilst doing this say silently the following verse:

"bright light, shining light

heal my hurts with all thy might."

Repeat this as you move the light up through the body.

When you reach the top of your head expand to fill outside the head with light for about a foot.

Then return to where the pain is most concentrated, push all your healing energy into this area.

If this doesn't work the first time then repeat. You should feel better soon.

to end the spell repeat the verse again but finish with "so mote it be"

thank you for taking time to listen. i have tried it out along with others and we have discovered it works very well on pain.




Prosperity Spell

02:59 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 630

Created by: Sir Summer ShiningStar

You will need: ½ cup of Prosperity Potion; a sheet of paper with your name written on it in green ink; a small dish (capable

of hold liquids); a green candle

What to do: Light the green candle, and place the paper in the dish. Little by little, pour the potion on the paper while saying


Paper money come alive and grow

Pour down on me both high and low

Snuff out the candle, and leave the dish undisturbed, in place, for three concesutive nights. During those three nights, re-light

the candle and recite the chant.

For more spells and magickal things, email me: SirSummerShiningStar@hotmail.com

© 2001 Sir Summer ShiningStar




Conjuring Raw Energy

02:57 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 631

You sit down with your legs crossed. You clear your mind and become one with yourself. Your mind truly needs to be clear in order for this to work. Then hold out both of your arms, and have your recessive hand hand and your projective hand in a fist, both arms parallel to each other. Feel the energies of the universe entering into your recessive hand and flowing through your body towards your projective hand. Let the energy build up in your projective hand until you feel you have an immense amount of energy. Then fling your arms to the right, open your projective and while doing this, and envision the energies flying towards your goal. Then recite

a quick chant that will best suite your goal.

This, if practiced, will become a very powerful and useful talent.





02:54 Oct 31 2005
Times Read: 632

Do this spell before going to bed. A quick relaxing meditation before helps. While burning a white candle, and a purple candle, side by side, chant this three times, and

envision your mind opening up. Then blow out the candles, and go to bed.

"As it be thought in the mind of others

both familiar and strange

both sisters and brothers

may it be heard in mine own head

loud and clear as if it'd been said."

Repeat the spell at least once in the morning, while envisioning your mind opening up.

Remember, other peoples thoughts will almost seem like your own. You can't pull them out of people either. Over-concentrating will screw this up. Just have an open mind.





06:26 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 645

With the first and middle fingers (or your Athame, if you have it

with you), trace a pentagram over the object to be protected.

Visualize electric-blue or purple flame streaming from your fingers

(Athame) to form the pentagram. Say this as you trace:

" With this pentagram I do lay

Protection here both night and day.

And to the one who should not touch

Let the fingers burn and twitch.

I now invoke the Law of Three:

This is my will, so mote it be! "




Drawing Down The Moon

06:25 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 646

In this ritual the Goddess becomes incarnate in the High Priestess.

After the circle is cast, The High Priestess stands in front of the altar with her back to it. She holds the wand in her right hand and the scrounge in her left. She crosses her wrists and crosses the wand and scrounge above them while holding them close to her breast.

The High Priest stands in front of her and says:

"Diana, queen of night In all your beauty bright,

Shine on us here, And with your silver beam

Unlock the gates of dream;

Rise bright and clear.

On Earth and sky and sea,

Your magic mystery Its spell shall cast,

Wherever leaf may grow,

Wherever tide may flow,

Till all be past.

O secret queen of power,

At this enchanted hour

We ask your boon.

May fortune's favor fall Upon true witches all,

O Lady Moon!"

The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both beasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:

"Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways.

Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.

Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be.

Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty.

Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names."

For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length to length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips. The High Priest kneels again and invokes:

"I invoke thee and call upon thee,

Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of all fruitfulness;

by seed and root,

by bud and stem,

by leaf and flower and fruit,

by life and love

do I invoke thee to descend upon the body of this,

thy servant and priestess."

During this invocation he touches her with his right forefinger on her right breast, left breast, and womb, repeats the set and finally the right breast. Still kneeling, he spreads his arms out and down, with the palms forward and says:

"Hail Aradia!

From the Amalthean Horn

Pour forth thy store of love;

I lowly bend Before thee,

I adore thee to the end,

With loving sacrifice thy shrine adore.

Thy foot is to my lip (he kisses her right foot)

my prayer up borne

Upon the rising incense smoke;

then spend Thine ancient love,

O Mighty One, descend To aid me,

who without thee am forlorn."

The High Priest stands up and steps backwards. The High Priestess draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with the wand and says:

"Of the Mother darksome and divine

Mine the scrounge, and mine the kiss;

The five point star of love and bliss

Here I charge you in this sign."

The High Priestess should be in a trance now. This is a good time to do the Charge or the Witches' Creed. When the Charge or Creed is finished, the Goddess must be dismissed. It is bad magical practice not to do so. The High Priest faces the Priestess and says:

"We thank you Our Lady for attending our rites.

We bid you farewell till next we call you.

Blessed Be."




Coven Initiation

06:23 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 647

{{{{{{{Note: This is a strict example of a coven initiation. Many covens vary in initiation rites and there are many forms and variations. This should be considered and example. }}}}}}}

Candidates for initiation should be in good mental and physical health. They should also be of legal age and sought out the Craft of their own free will.

Before being accepted into the Coven (s)he should spend sometime learning about the Craft and magic and such. (S)he should know about practices that most people get uptight about. She should be told that initiations are perfectly safe and voluntary. Also, if at any time prior to taking the oath she wants to back out, she can do so with out fear or other recriminations.

The candidate must chose a Craft name. This name should not be a common American name and must have personal meaning to the candidate. Traditionally the apprenticeship lasted for a year and a day.

This is a good idea if it can be done. Before (s)he can be initiated, the Coven must vote. A single no is sufficient to not allow the candidate to be initiated into that particular Coven.

This ritual is written for use in the woods. There has to be a path leading from the staging area to a clearing where afire can be lit. To save time, the fire should be setup but not lighted. The bathtub should be set up along the path and filled with warm water and the other ingredients. The water will also have to be consecrated.

The candidate should be brought to the staging area by their sponsor. She should be wearing clothing that can be cutaway easily by a sword without undoing buttons or stepping out of pants legs. The candidate should be lead down the path by the sponsor.After a little ways a member of the Coven, the Challenger,should step onto the path. They might want to wear a mask. They take the sword that they carry and say:

"Who comes to the gate?"

The candidate, coached before hand, answers:

"It is I, (new Craft name), child of earth and starry heaven."


"Who speaks for you?"


"It is I, ________ , who vouches for her."

The Challenger holds the point of the sword up to the candidates heart, and says:

"You are about to enter a vortex of power, a place beyond imagining,where birth and death,dark and light, joy and pain, meet and make one. You are about to step between the worlds, beyond time, outside the realm of your human life. You who stands on the threshold of the dread Mighty Ones, have you the courage to make the essay? For know it is better to fall on my blade and perish than to make the attempt with fear in thy heart!"

The apprentice answers:

"I tread the path with perfect love and perfect trust."

The Challenger replies:

"Prepare for death and rebirth."

And the Challenger takes the sword and cuts off the apprentices clothing till (s)he is standing naked. The Challenger grounds their sword to the Earth. The Challenger should then blindfold the candidate and tie a cord around their wrists and one ankle while saying:

"And (s)he was bound as all living things must be, who would enter the Kingdom of Death. And Her feet were neither bound nor free."

The candidate is led to the tub and bathed, while still blindfolded, by the rest of the Coven. While being bathed, (s)he must remain quiet. She is helped from the tub and dried off. The candidate is then carried to the Circle. Everyone in the Coven, starting with the High Priest (Priestess in the case of a man), kisses her and says:

"Thus are all first brought into the world, and thus are all first brought into the Coven."

The High Priest (Priestess in case of a man) now leads the candidate to each of the four corners and introduces her to the Guardians, of course going deosil.

"Hail Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East and all the Mighty Ones of the Craft. Behold _________(new name), who will now be made Priestess and Witch."

The candidate is brought back to the altar. The High Priest kneels and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and the lips,starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:

"Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways.

Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.

Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be.

Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty.

Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names."

For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length-to-length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips.The candidate is then measured with the other piece of cord, from head to toe. The cord is cut. She is then measured around the head and chest and knots are tied to mark these lengths.The High Priestess rolls up the cord, and asks the candidate:

"Are you willing to swear the oath?"

The candidate answers: "I am."

The High Priestess asks:

"Are you willing to suffer to learn?"

The candidate answers: "Yes."

The High Priestess takes the apprentice's hand, and with a needle properly purified by fire and water, pricks her finger,squeezing a few drops out onto the measure. The candidate then kneels, and places one hand on her head and the other beneath her heel and she repeats what is read to her. The High Priest says:

"This is the Charge of the Coven:

That I will keep secret what I am asked to keep secret, and never divulge the names or dwelling places of our people unless by their consent.

That I will learn and try to master the Art Magical; but ever remember the rune: "What good be the tools without the inner light? What good be magic without wisdom sight?"

That in due course I will strive to find a worthy pupil in magic,to whom in future years I can hand down the knowledge I acquire.

That I will never use the Art Magical merely to impress foolish persons, nor for any wrongful end.

That I will help the Craft of the Wise, and hold it's honor as I would my own.

That I consider these vows taken before the Elder Gods; and that if I betray this Charge I accept as my just reward that retribution of destiny which overtakes those who basely betray the trust and confidence that others have placed in them. Know that none can escape the fate, be it curse or blessing, which they make for themselves, either in this life or in another life.

The High Priestess says:

"Repeat after me: 'I, ________, do of my own free will most solemnly swear to protect, help and defend my sisters and brothers of the Art and to keep the Coven's Charge.

I always keep secret all that must not be revealed.

This do I swear on my mother's womb and my hopes of future lives, mindful that my measurehas been taken, andin the presence of the Mighty Ones.'

All between my two hands belongs to the Goddess."

The candidate repeats the oath. The Coven shouts:

"So mote it be!"

The High Priest says:

"Arise and be anointed"

The High Priest then makes an X mark on the initiates forehead,breast and genitals while saying:

"May your mind be free. May your heart be free. May your body be free.

I give you the Craft name of ______"

The rest of the Coven members grab her suddenly, lift her if possible and carry her three times around the Circle, laughing and shrieking. They then lay her face down before the altar and press her into the ground. Gradually the pressure changes to stroking. They chant her new name, raising a Cone of Power over her. The blind fold is removed and (s)he is told:

"Know that the hands that have touched you are the hands of love. Thus are all first brought into the world, and thus are all first brought into the Coven."

The Charge of the Goddess is spoken and any other myths, mysteries, and secrets are revealed. She is also told the Coven names of all the members. The High Priestess returns the measure, saying:

"In the Burning Times, when each member of the Coven held the lives of the others in their hands, this would have been kept and be used against you should you endanger the others. But in these more fortunate times, love and trust prevail, so take this, keep it or burn it, and be free to go or to stay as your heart leads you."

The service goes on as usual, be it New or Full Moon or Sabbat. Before the Circle is opened, the new initiate is taken to the four corners again and introduced to the Guardians again.




room blessing

06:21 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 648

involving elemental quarter invocations:

Face each direction (with arms out in appropriate elemental invoking gesture), and say, while channeling and visualizing elemental power:

Powers of (say direction),

Powers of (say corresponding element),

We great you, we honor you, we welcome you here!

Watch over and bless and protect this place.

After each invocation, shape the energy into columns of light by sweeping ones arms together until they are parallel and sweeping them up and down while channeling and shaping the energy,

When the energy is properly shaped, say:

So mote it be!

After you have done all four quarters, channel in spirit energy.

To return the energy to a more mellow state while energizing yourself, put your hands out and take in a bit of the energy into your self from each direction, going widdershins, hold hands to your heart and take in the energy (techniques also exist for bringing it into a stone and retrieving it when needed).





06:15 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 651

The High Priestess goes to each of the four directions in turn, and draws a Banishing Pentacle, saying,

Guardians of the East (South, West, North), Powers of Air

(Fire, Water, Earth), we thank you

For joining in our circle

And we ask for your blessing

As you depart

May there be peace between us

Now and forever. Blessed be.

She raises her athame to the sky and touches it to the earth, then opens her arms and says,

The circle is open, but unbroken,

May the peace of the Goddess

Go in your hearts,

Merry meet, and merry part.

And merry meet again. Blessed be.

Blessing, Consecration, and Procession of the Elements

(Four members of the coven who have been chosen beforehand now approach the Priestess. Each holds one of the following: an incense burner, a candle, a vessel of water, and a vessel of salt. Each in turn approaches the Priestess, recites their piece, receives her blessing, and then processes deosil around the perimeter of the circle while stopping to bow at each of the quarters.)

(Celebrant with the incense burner symbolizing the element of air) :

"I am everywhere. I fill the fleshy pouches of your lungs, I stir all things from the smallest blade of grass to the tallest tree. I cool you with my breezes and destroy you with my storms. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise? "

(Celebrant with the candle symbolizing the element of fire):

"I live in the guarded embers of campfires and the pilot lights of stoves, I spring from the lightning and the hands of men, I warm you and I destroy you. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise? "

(Celebrant with the water vessel symbolizing the element of water):

"I rise from the moist crevices of the Earth, I beat on the shores of Her body, I fall from the skies in silver sheets. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise? " (Celebrant asperges the circle with water)

(Celebrant with the salt vessel symbolizing the element of earth):

"I am your Mother. From me come the fruit and grain and animals which feed you. I am your support, and my pull on your bodies keeps you held firmly to me. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise? "

Invocation of the Goddess

(High Priest)

"Come to us Moist Mother Earth. Come to us and take your ease. You have labored long and hard to bring forth your bounty, so that we your children may survive. Come and relax, for well have you earned your rest. Eat and drink your fill, sing, dance, and be merry, for you have done well, and there is plenty for all. And, if it pleases you to ask for the favors of one of us as well, may you find satisfaction there too. We shout your praises, for you are the essence of fulfillment, love, and joy. You are the most beautiful, and beyond measure is your grandeur and greatness. May we never forget that we are a part of your Sacred Body, and may we work to preserve it in all of its myriad forms. All hail the Great Mother!"

Responsorial: All hail the Great Mother!

Invocation of the God

(High Priestess)

"Come to us Lord of the Hunt, Sacred Herdsman, and Divine Smith. Put by your horn, lay aside your crook, stow your hammer, and quit your forge for now. Wipe your brow, and come find your leisure in the midst of our good company. Have a seat, put up your feet, and pour yourself a cold draught. By the virtue of your work have you earned a rest, for well have your cared for the wild beasts and domesticated flocks. And many a time has your forge burned long into the night with you hard at work creating lightning bolts of such exquisite beauty and terrible power as we have ever beheld. Join us Great Lord, and indulge yourself to the fullest. May you know no want in our presence, for thanks to you and the Goddess, we know no want. We raise our glasses high and toast your greatness. All hail the God of the Wild Magicks."

Responsorial: All hail the God of the Wild Magicks.

Guided Meditation by Priest

(Meditation will be about our own spiritual harvest. This will conclude with a personal empowerment chant)

Empowerment Chant

(Holding hands, the coven members repeat the following chant until the high priestess decides that enough energy has been raised, and upon her signal everyone will direct a portion of the energy into themselves to help them to develop the inner strength to attain personal spiritual goals.)

Ripen fruit, ripen seed

Harken to my inner need


(Fruit and Wine, songs, and a good time. Also, each member of the coven will be asked to describe something that they have done in the last liturgical year that has "borne fruit.")

Quarter Banishings

(High Priest)

Facing East:

"Guardians of the watchtower of the east, return now to the brisk Autumn breezes which are brimming with the excitement of the year's climax. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!

Responsorial: Hail and farewell!

Facing South:

"Guardians of the watchtower of the south, return now to the dying fires of Autumn's heat soon to give way to Winter's chill. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!

Responsorial: Hail and farewell

Facing West:

"Guardians of the watchtower of the west, return now to the Autumn rains which cool the Earth's fevered brow baked in the heat of Summer afternoons. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!

Responsorial: Hail and farewell!

Facing North:

"Guardians of the watchtowers of the north, return now to the Earth where worms burrow deeper and seeds nestle awaiting the long sleep of Winter. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!

Responsorial: Hail and farewell!

Circle Banishing

(High Priestess)

Equal night and equal day

Soon the light will fade away

Equal day and equal night

This circle fades as does the light

Thus the magick we invoke

Fades anon like wisps of smoke

Until we next decide to play






06:13 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 652

Compose an altar: place a censer in the center before an image of

the Goddess. Have a twelve-inch (or so) round mirror there as well.

Ring the altar with nine white candles. Burn a protective incense

(such as sandalwood, frankincense, copal or rosemary) in the censer.

Beginning with the candle most directly before the Goddess image,

say these or similar words:

" Lunar light protect me!"

Repeat as you light each candle until all are glowing.

Now, holding the mirror, invoke the Goddess in her lunar aspect

with these or similar words:

" Great Goddess of the Lunar Light

and Mistress of the Seas;

Great Goddess of the Mystic Night

and of the Mysteries;

Within this place of candles bright

and with Your mirror nigh;

Protect me with Your awesome might

while ill vibrations fly!"

Standing before the altar, hold the mirror facing the candles so

that it reflects their flames. Keeping the mirror toward the candles,

move slowly, clockwise, around the altar, watching the reflected

firelight bouncing off your surroundings.

Gradually increase your speed, mentally invoking the Goddess to

protect you. Move faster and faster; watch the light shattering the

air, cleansing it, burning away all negativity and all lines along

witch the ill energies have traveled into your home.

Charge your home with the protective light of the Goddess. Race

around the candles until you've felt the atmosphere change, until you

feel that your home has been cleansed and guarded by the Great


When finished, stand once again before the image. Thank the

Goddess in any words you wish. Pinch out the candles one by one, bind

them together with white cord and store them in a safe place until

(and if) you need to use them again for this same purpose.




Wiccan Names

06:06 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 653

Wiccans adopt a new name upon initiation or dedication as a symbolic rebirthing into a new life, as is the practice of many other religions. This name is between you and your gods. Whether you tell anyone else is up to you. Some people refer to these names as "magickal names" or "Craft names".

Choose with care. You're not creating a role-playing character. You're adopting a name that is as much a part of you as the name stated on your birth certificate. You have the right to call yourself PrancingGriffin, but we have the right to laugh our asses off at it.

Do not hide behind your name. Too many people publish on the internet under pseudonyms. If you choose not to come out of the broom closet for fear of persecution (or any other reason), that is your right. But you're either in or you're out. If you are not willing to identify yourself with what you write, don't write it.

Choose where you use it. Do it consistently, and know your reasons. Most people do not use their Wiccan name in the general public - not because they should be embarrassed about it, but because it creates confusion. Most people who do use them publicly, I suspect, do it for the attention. Some people believe their name should only be used within a circle, or only among members of their coven or Tradition. Some never tell anyone.

Don't demean your non-Wiccan name. Complete denial of your previous identity is the mark of a cult. Becoming Wiccan does not remove you from the rest of the world. Furthermore, your parents likely put a lot of time an energy into the giving of your name, and it is disrespectful to them to casually discard that gift. This especially applies if you choose to take on a new last name as well - your last name is a link to family and heritage.

Names are taken from a variety of sources - mythology, nature, ethnic cultures. There's no rule to it. Baby name books can be quite helpful, as they generally state the associated meaning of all listed names. Just be sure of your reasons. "Because it sounds cool" is not a good enough reason.

Numerology as a necessary component to finding an appropriate name.

The generally suggested formula is to take all the digits in your birthday and add them together. Then you add the digits of the result together until you get to a single digit. Then you must find a name that can be reduced to the same number through a system in which every letter is given a value.

All I can say is: why???

Our alphabet and dating system are man-made and subjective. January counts as "1" because it's the first month. Yet not all cultures start their year at January; Wiccans start the year in November. Two thousand years ago "January" didn't even exist. So why are we ascribing magical powers to the thoroughly modern, Western calendar?

Numerology as practiced by Ceremonial Magicians is a complex system that I'll readily admit I know little about. It fits well with their concepts of order in the universe, but less well with our more organic views of nature, and it certainly shouldn't be watered down to adding a few numbers together.




Conjouring Spirits

05:16 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 660

Celestial Beings, Angels, Demons, and Elemental Spirits.

From the most heavenly of spirits to the monsters of the of the great abyss. These entities can all be summoned to do your bidding or answer your questions. Take warning to heart. These creatures are very powerful and you could end up doing your self more harm than good.

~WARNING!~ This information is for educational purposes only! I do not suggest that you attempt to do any of the following conjuration's unless you are a well experienced Magician/Sorcerer. For the inexperienced it can lead to Demonic possession and or many other bad things!

When a magician gets started he usually performs a couple of standard rituals like

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and the Middle Pillar Ritual. These are the most important things he would do in order to protect himself from these Beings. Remember the attitude he gets from a spirit depends on the type of spirit he would so choose to conjure up! There are also several standard items which would be used during the conjuration...

a Dagger, preferably exotic

an Alter , at least 3'x3' top on it

White Candles, at least 4

Incense, something pleasing

a Robe

Crystal Ball

Triangle of Solomon

Triangle of the Art

the Key of Solomon (book)

the Grimoire of Armadel (book)

the Magic Circle

a Quiet Place to do these rituals

Now we come to the Magical Circle and the Triangle of the Art. I know you can't make out all the lettering, but this is just to show you the original copy...

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Notice in the top of diagram is the Triangle of the Art. This is where the Magician will place the circular Black Mirror, or the Crystal Ball on a stand. Around the triangle are the names Tetragrammaton, Primeumaton, and Anaphaxeton. Inside the Triangle is the name Michael split up. Below it is the Magical Circle in which the Magician will stand. It has many sacred names of God written around the inside border. In the middle of the circle are the names Alpha and Omega, along with 4 hexagrams. As you can see there are 4 pentagrams, one on each corner of the circle. A candle is placed in the middle of each one. The name Tetragrammaton is split up between the five points of each pentagram.

Now we get to the good stuff. If you read all the copies of ancient manuscripts you will see that all the rituals are quite long and complicated. I am going to simplify things for you. You see books like the Key of Solomon, the Grimoire of Armadel, and the Goetia were designed to confuse the ordinary person and discourage them from wanting to attempt these Rituals. This is because the ordinary person attempting these rituals would more than likely become possessed, disease ridden or die. This type of Magical workings is for only the experienced Magician/Sorcerer. Those who think different and want to play with fire, I tell you... You will get burned!

Here is a Magic Circle that can be used. All the lettering can be read easily...

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

First you need to make sure you have a quiet place to these rituals, where you you will not be disturbed. Make sure that your alter is set up and all the magical tools are displayed on the alter. You need to light the four white candles and the incense. Make sure you have preselected the entity that so desire to summon up. Also make sure you have his sigil written on parchment. Take a few minutes to relax and meditate. Clear your mind of all unwanted thoughts and worries. Take your dagger and perform the invoking ritual of the pentagram. You can also call upon Archangel Michael to surround and protect your magical circle. If you call him and have faith he will be there protecting you. Now lets move on to the invocation ..

The Invocation...

~Warning!~ This is meant to be an example only! It is to show you what you would do if you were experienced in the Arts. If you attempt this... you do so at your own risk! This is strictly for educational purposes only!

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In this example we are going to conjure the Spirit "VAU-AEL". He is the spirit who will give thee all kinds of pleasant visions. He will serve you well in all that you wish to know. This spirit is taken from "the Grimoire of Armadel".

Take note that we will be conjuring this spirit on to the astral plane and not onto this physical plane. We will be able to see the spirit by gazing into the crystal ball or the black mirror in the Triangle of the Art. Put on your robe and and light the incense and the candles. Sit in the chair that you place in the middle of the magic circle. Here is the sigil of the entity...

Holding the Sigil of the spirit in your hands gaze into it and repeat the name of the spirit over and over for at least 10 min. Then gaze into the black mirror (or crystal ball) and concentrate while reciting the following...

I evoke and conjure thee, O spirit "VAU-AEL" by the Supreme Majesty - the true God who is known by the names of YOD HEH VAV HEH (yode-heh-vahv-heh), ADONAI (ah-doe-ney), EHEIEH (eh-hey-yay), and AGLA (ah-gah-lah) to appear before me in this mirror (or crystal ball) in a fair and comely shape.

Continue to gaze into the mirror until the image of the entity becomes clear to see. When you can see the entity then ask it "what is thy name?" If it gives the correct answer then ask it to sign its name in the space surrounding it. If the spirit turns out to be someone else then you can ask it to leave or ask what its purpose of coming before you. If it is the correct spirit then you must welcome it by saying...

In peace I welcome you, O spirit "VAU-AEL",and in the name of the Most High I command you to stay within this mirror until you are dismissed, to speak honestly and to answer all questions truthfully that I put before you.

Now you may ask the questions that you wish to put before him. Make sure that you are polite and not rude in any way, for you must treat these spiritual beings with the total respect. You may also command it do do certain tasks for you, but if you ask it to do things that might harm someone then you will at sometime suffer the penalties of KARMA. What goes around comes around. You don't want to have something bad come around and bite you in the ass now do you? Try to do only good tasks and things of a positive nature! Once you are done with the spirit, you must license him to depart. Take note that you must give this dismissal even if the entity does not show itself, for it could actually be there and you not know it and then you would have a spirit hanging around you which could the end of you!

Here is the dismissal...

Go in peace and return to your sphere of origin, O Spirit "VAU-AEL" by the authority of the True God, I command thee to harm none as you depart, and to be ready to come quickly if called upon again.

*You will also want to do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram! This is a Must!

*This ritual can be used to conjure Celestial, Demonic, Elemental, or Angelic entities to do your bidding.

After you are finished you will want to write down everything that happened in your experience. You need to keep a journal of all these events and what took place. You will want to memorize these conjuration's and not have to read them off a card. You will also need to make sure that you pronounce all the sacred names of God correctly in your invocations, and once again do nothing to harm anyone in your magical rites. Even if you are conjuring a demon you can still command them to do good for you. Peace be with you.




Time Travel

04:42 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 662

It is possible and real! It is very similar to Astral Travel, but different. You will be able to go into the past, present or future and come back when you are ready.

***Note: This method will take you through time by means of the astral planes and visualization. You will not physically go there... only mentally... very similar to past life regression.


First... you must be able to and have mastered meditation. If you cannot meditate then you will have no success with this project of time travel.

You MUST go into your meditative state and clear your mind of all outside thoughts. Now here comes the important part.... you need to have a special place to go to when you are in this state of mind.... in other words.... imagine a building in the middle of a field or in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing. You will use this same building every time you want to do this. The building can be any shape, square or pyramid or whatever. IT MUST HAVE NO WINDOWS... this way you will not be disturbed by anything outside of it. The inside of this building can be as simple or as plush as you wish it to be. The simpler it is... the less distractions you will have. Just make sure it is the same every time.

Now... inside this building will be a room where you have a chair. This chair is a special chair... it is a big black recliner with controls built into the arm of the chair. These controls are buttons that will take you where you want to go. You may set up these buttons in any configuration. For instance --- A PAST BUTTON --- A PRESENT BUTTON-- and A FUTURE BUTTON... and for even more control... an LED display with a number key pad... this will be for punching in the exact year in time you wish to travel to. If you do not want to use a chair you may imagine some big elaborate machine that you sit in.

In this room will also be a big giant movie screen. You can even have a button on your chair that makes it come down from the ceiling. This screen is where you will be watching the time frame you have chosen. Try to think of how you want all these items-- the building... the chair or machine... the screen.... before you you actually go into meditation. Predetermine how you want them all to look beforehand.

Now that you have all these thing ready in your mind... it is time to get started!

1. Go into your meditative state.

a. When you are totally relaxed... take a mental walk to your special building and close the door. Sit in your special chair or machine and relax for a few more minutes. When you are ready... push the button that makes your screen come down from the ceiling and just sit there and stare at it for a minute. When you are ready, dial in what time period you want to travel to and or what country you want to go to.

2. Just sit there and do not try to force this

a. only sit there and wait for it to come up on the screen and relax and observe what is being shown to you. If you are impatient.... it will not happen! It may take several days of trying before you actually see anything but, it will happen!

3. When you want to come back... just push the buttons for the present on your chair and take a few minutes to evaluate everything you saw. then when you are ready get up out of your chair and walk out of the building and back to your physical body.

{{{{This method can be used to have spirits show you things you need to learn... just go through the same process and ask the spirits to show you on the screen what you want to know. }}}}




Vibrating Sacred Names or Words

04:33 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 663


How do you Vibrate a word or name like the Sacred Names of God in the "Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram" LBRP or Middle Pillar Ritual and other Rituals?


Well, it is quite easy. To put it simple... you stretch the name out, making it much longer. For

{{Example: The name "Pandora"

***vibrate it.... Paaaaaannndooooozrraaaaa. You are mainly stretching out the vows of the word or name.}}

Remember... you should be exhaling when vibrating a name or word. Yes, sometimes you may run out of air with a longer name, but with practice you will be able to use much more breath.

Let's take one of many Sacred names of God..... "Agla".

***vibrate it..... AAAAAAAhhhh-Glaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.

When you vibrate the name... try to feel it permeate your entire being and try to send it out into the Universe. Imagine it carrying out the vibration across the galaxy to God himself. Feel it vibrate all the parts of your body.

You must understand that certain words or names have Power when used correctly, with the proper tonal qualities and pitch and it attracts energies of the beings that are associated with them. When vibrating names of God... you are calling out to him and asking his Divine Presence to descend upon you. After much Practice you will feel his power as you vibrate his name. For it is the Power of the spoken word. Sort of a Hotline to God and his Hierarchy.

There are many Names of God that can be used to vibrate.... it all depend on whom you wish to invoke.

Also... it does not have to be a name of God. It can be a word such as "Om" which means, the Divine which manifests in all that is. It is the beginning and the end... the Alpha and the Omega.

Now for you perfectionists out there.... yes there are other more complex ways to vibrate names and words. I am simply giving the basics to those who are in the beginning stages of learning.... to help them get started on Path to enlightenment.

To help them Invoke God so he may hear their needs.

((((((((Always treat names of God with respect, for God is a Hierarchy of many beings that make up the whole and he will come when properly called upon and he will cast down those whom do not give respect.)))))))))




Meditation #1

04:28 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 664


"I am that I am "

"Om Mamni Pudme Hum"

"I Bow to the Light Within"

"I am one with God"

"I am a being of Light and I rid my being of all negativity"

"I am getting thinner each and everyday"

"I am the essence of God himself for we are one in the same""

"We are the universe for we are God"





04:26 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 665

Recite the fallowing:

"Give me strength,

Oh, Goddess strong,

To help me detect

Right from wrong.

Give me the courage,

Oh, moon of bright,

To face the challenges

That I must fight."




Astral Projection

04:20 Oct 24 2005
Times Read: 667

"out of body experience", "lucid dreaming"

1.Simply lay down with the lights off. Make sure you are completely relaxed. Lie there and be quite and still, calm and clear your mind.

2.Imagine your astral body which may look like gray matter shaped in the form of your body. Imagine it lifting and floating out of your body, floating up to the ceiling in your room.

3.Turn and look down and try to see you body lying there. If you are successful you may want to stay in the room and float around a bit, staying close to the body. Or you can choose to walk through walls and travel to where ever you wish to go. You can fly there or you can will yourself there instantly.

***Watch what you think. Everything you think can manifest on the astral planes. So you don't want to be thinking about anything evil or you will attract it!

***Anytime you think you are scared and or lost, just think of your body and you will be back in it in a flash.

***Ever notice that when you are falling in a dream and you hit the bottom you always wake up quickly! That is your astral body snapping back into place.

***The use of drugs can lower your vibrations meaning you will not be able to travel to higher astral planes where the vibrations are higher.

***The reason you will want to travel higher on the astral planes is because you may have to escape an attack by a lower vibrating entity. They can not travel to the higher planes.

I will go more into depth on the Astral planes at a later time.

Are you ready to try the... Astral Accelerator Portal Device?

The Astral Accelerator is for producing conscious OBE's for people who are experienced at projecting and for those who are still learning. This will help you to center your mental focus by concentrating on the center ring. This is the door where you will go through. When staring at this device try to see past the door and you will feel the magnetic pull of the out rings pulling you in. Even if you don't consciously project you will at least feel the magnetic pull and you can try to simulate that when you lay down in bed and try the last method I discussed.

The Dream Control Method...

Learn to realize you are having an out of body experience through dream control!

First you will want to study my dream control methods on my Dream Recall page! Then when you have become successful with that part of dream control , you will be ready for this part...

You need to advance your dream techniques to where you realize that you are dreaming so that you can control the dream. Once you realize that you are dreaming you will find that you can control where you want to go and what you want to do. Now I am talking about when you have a dream that is in full blown color. Those type of dreams usually mean that your are actually out of body. You see when people go to sleep at night their astral bodies leave and float around the astral planes in a dreamy state or gathering energy. Sometimes you may be learning things from other higher beings and eventually it is released in your conscious state later on when these beings think the time is right. You just have to become conscious of all this. Remember dreams that are in black and white are usually just plain dreams. They can be controlled too but you are going to get the best results with the ones in full color.

Here are your key pointers...

***Work with dreams that are in full blown color.

***You must learn to become conscious during the dream.

***Try to take control of the dream and go where you wish.

***When you have achieved control you will know you have had an OBE!

***Remember to keep a diary of every experience.

I will have more on the astral planes and how they work soon as time allows.

Thank you Puzuzu



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